Skillet Industries

4002 Hwy 78 Suite 530-293

Snellville, Ga. 30039


Septic Systems and What You Should Know

A septic tank is a very simple and small sewage treatment plant. It contains baffles that are arranged so that all solid
materials fall to the bottom of the tank. The solid material is held in the tank where bacterial digestion will break
it down.

There must be sufficient numbers of bacteria in order for this digestion process to take place. Many household chemicals
(strong cleaners, drain openers, laundry bleach) will kill the bacteria, and the digestion process is interrupted.
A septic tank treatment product with enzymes should be added to the septic system to keep the entire process working

The septic tank will not function properly if there are not enough bacteria to digest the waste. If the septic tank is not
functioning properly, solids may be washed out of the septic tank into the drain field — the solids clog the pores of the
drain field. The drain field has been specially constructed of gravel and porous piping to allow the effluent from the
septic tank to filter slowly into the ground. If the pores of the drain field are clogged with solids, the liquid effluent
will not filter (percolate) properly, creating puddles of standing wastewater (set spots) and causing the whole septic
system to back-up.

Untreated liquid household sewage will clog all but the most porous of gravel and soils quickly. The addition of SEPTICSAV2000
to the septic system speeds up the natural bacteria action up to 10 times. Septic tanks should be treated on a monthly
basis with SEPTICAV2000. The septic tank treatment product may be flushed into the septic system through the toilet.

The initial charge, plus regular maintenance treatments should give many years of trouble-free septic system operation.
A septic system that is installed with a septic tank of enough capacity and an adequate drain field will operate for
many years without trouble. We have thousands of customers that have used our septic system maintenance product for years
and have never had to pump out their septic tank or had any trouble with their septic system.